
Showing posts from December, 2010

A List of the Texts of Dharmaśāstra Dealing with Lawsuit

A list of the texts of Dharmaśāstra, which deal with Vyavahāra or lawsuit, is prepared here. Some texts, which are not now available except through the quotations or mentions of other texts we come to know that the texts comprise the discussion on lawsuit, are also mentioned in this list. The unpublished or unavailable texts are separately commented, not the published texts. The authors of most ancient texts are mentioned on the basis of tradition. It is not possible to find out the real author of such most ancient texts, like Viṣṇudharmasūtra, Yājñavalkyasmṛti etc. It is also not possible to find out the accurate date of the ancient texts in many cases; we can suppose merely a time-period in between the text is supposed to be occurred. This whole list is prepared based on the great work of P.V. Kane, viz., The History of Dharmaśāstra . Name of the Text Name of the Writer Date Type of the Text Comments Vasiṣṭhadharmasūtra